Anyone attending FOSDEM? Let's meet to talk about Solid!

I am attending FOSDEM next week and I was wondering if anyone else going is interested to meet up.

In particular there’ll be a talk about Solid given by Ruben Verborgh: Solid: taking back the Web through decentralization.

I hope to see you there :D.


I won’t be at FOSDEM, but several people from MaidSafe and the SAFE Network community will be, so there’s a chance to connect. I know they are very interested in Solid, Linked Data, SPARQL - and are implementing or investigating how to implement these features natively on SAFE, so they will be keen to chat with anyone involved with Solid.

I’ll post this topic over there too:


We’re coming with few people attached to the Decentralised Internet devroom to mainly get in conversation about, but will also like to think about our own solid community pod for the research around financial stability in solidarity-based food systems by, next to exploring other areas with ActivityPub,, OIDC, and other standards from the linked data world.

I’m also eager to find the french community that is attached around and produced nice pieces of documentation in french, next to an overview of Solid projects.


Do you know if the conferences (now until friday) and (yesterday) are attended by some people who also are planning to visit the FOSDEM and more in particular Decentralised Internet and Privacy devroom? It seems to be another audience, but I’m guessing it is not a coincidence (historically) that these conferences in Brussels are planned this way.


Yay, very happy to have the possibility to see @RubenVerborgh on sunday. Maybe I’ll also find some space to discuss aspects of the budget planning and presentation tool solidbase with interested people.


I hope I can make it on Sunday,I just have to figure out what to do with my children :wink:

I’d love to chat about solid and the opportunities to build commercial solutions around it to provide solid (haha) and privacy respectful alternatives to the current Web Giants.


I am at FOSDEM 2019 Saturday and Sunday.


Great talk in the well-filled largest hall. And the discussion continued outside after the official end with about twenty participants.


I didn’t go to Fosdem this year. Last time I attended there were barely any women around and none presenting. This year, there were no women presenting in any of the rooms I was interested in.

I would be interested in a chat to get an overview of where things are at and where things are going in the next year. I am planning to invest time in learning Solid in the next months. Solid is one of the few positive news I heard in tech for a while. So, please let me know if you ever setup a regular meetup in Belgium. Or have a more local discord or other. As well if you organise more academic seminars in your dept.

For the intro, as I just joined. I have more than 8y in react, which I develop professionally. I am also interested in knowledge graphs and graph machine learning. I have a number of ideas on how to put decentralized data spaces to good use. One I will share here is put an obsdian vault into a dataspace allowing linked knowledge data. Others are more commercial.

Hey Widged :slight_smile:

I think you might be interested into Solid World March (on the 29th): Solid World March

Thanks, indeed. Already registered :slight_smile:

Hey, this is a bit off-topic for this thread but since you mention the lack of women at FOSDEM, I thought you’d be interested to learn about (in case you didn’t know already :D).

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@NoelDeMartin thank you for mentioning. I hadn’t come across mention of it yet.

I’ll be at FOSDEM in 2025


I’m also planning to attend :slight_smile:

I’m also going :D. Cool, it seems like we can organize a small meetup this year :).


seems like we can organize a small meetup this year

Sounds good! I’ve also proposed an official BOF (Birds of a Feather) / meeting room session for Solid.

Also to be aware of, the week following FOSDEM, the following is taking place in London State of Open Con 25: Call for Speakers @

I should be able to attend too.

I’ll be there too! Fingers crossed that the BoF room can be arranged, and otherwise let’s make sure to meet up for drinks or something :slight_smile:

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I’ll be there also :slight_smile:
If someone can’t afford housing, I can probably offer a couch, feel free to DM me
looking forward to see you all afk !

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