PodBrowser Deprecation (announcement)

PodBrowser (PB) was developed as a reference implementation of how to view and manage data in your Pod. As Solid continues to evolve and we work to streamline the user and developer experience, our plan is to move the PodBrowser experience to a new platform. As part of that plan, we are deprecating the legacy PodBrowser on February 27th, 2023. This will include disabling cloning of the repository and accepting contributions in order to highlight that PodBrowser is no longer a recommended reference implementation.

For demonstration purposes, PodBrowser will continue to be hosted at https://podbrowser.inrupt.com/ until its replacement is released later this year. At that time PodBrowser will officially reach its end of life. For now, you can continue to use PodBrowser to browse your Pod.

We understand changes like this may cause some inconvenience, but they are necessary to provide a more secure and reliable Web.


Thanks @Virginia for the announcement.

I understand Inrupt wanting to drop this in favour of something else, but I have to say I don’t understand the rationale to remove the repository and keep people from cloning it.

Why not just archive it? And let anyone who wants to keep working on this do it in their own fork.


It is a shame they didn’t keep it about, as there was some important logic in there that fixed a bug in solid-ui-react, which really needed to be fixed in one of the lower level SDKs.

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Hi Noel,

I can try and provide some insight into the rational to close the repo.

PodBrowser provides an essential element of security that determines who is allowed to access certain data and in what circumstances. While useful in past, deprecation means the code is no longer being updated or patched in a manner that would make it safe to leave open or fork into other uses. Deprecation thus means closed. It is being replaced by a suitable and safer maintained alternative. We’ll be releasing updates on the open source alternative in the very near future. PodBrowser will continue to be hosted at https://podbrowser.inrupt.com until the alternative is available.


Hello @oolivo, it seems like podbrowser.inrupt.com is no longer available. Does that mean the open source alternative you mentioned has been released?

Hi @NoelDeMartin,

I just logged in to podbrowser, I think you experienced a temporary outage.

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Thanks for showing up @zwifi :D.

Sorry about that, I didn’t pay attention to the error I was getting and blindly assumed it had been retired >.<. (I didn’t even notice the error doesn’t appear on the pod browser’s domain, but my POD’s :sweat_smile:).

I tried in a different browser and it does work, however in my main browser I still cannot use podbrowser because I see the following error:

It’s funny that I’m facing this situation now as a user, because I often hear from people using my apps who have similar problems. And I usually have no idea what’s going wrong, given that I delegate all this stuff to the authentication library. I usually tell them to clear the browser storage and try to log in again, which usually fixes the problem. However, in this case, I can’t do that because the application is redirecting automatically. Is there any way to disable that redirection? (in my apps for example I have something like adding ?autoReconnect=false to the url to disable that).

I wonder what could be done in an app to solve these problems though. Or at least assist users to solve it on their own, because the UX is very bad (again, looking at that as a user, I didn’t even realize that the problem wasn’t actually happening in the app). That’s something I’ve wanted to improve for a while, but for now I’m focusing on other things.

Anyhow, in case it’s useful this is the full url where I’m being redirected (with the private tokens removed):


I also realize this may not be the best place to discuss this problem, so let me know if I should move this elsewhere :bowing_man:.

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~I created a support ticket, let’s follow up there :slight_smile:~

Edit: Wait that’s not going to work if I’m the one creating the issue. Let’s rather use Error 400 response "Mismatching redirect uri" · Issue #2891 · inrupt/solid-client-authn-js · GitHub, since it is a manifestation of this issue anyway.

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