New developer tool: PodPro

Hi everyone!

I’ve been working on a new developer tool to help me and my team interact with data in Pods. It allows you to visualise Pod data as a tree, read/create/edit/delete resources, and view response data. You can also add multiple Pods and browse across them.

I thought I’d share in case anyone else finds its useful.

You can find it at:

I’d love to get feedback from other Solid developers out there. Is this something you’d find useful? What would make it more useful? If there’s enough interest then I may look to develop it further.

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


Very Nice! I love being able to see both the content and the full response. May I ask which libraries you used?

Very nice. Could you give the link to the source code.

Your app is not working well when the podRoot contains index.html like in the following pod’s or The index.html content is displayed but it should be the folder content.

Somehow you must pass an { accept:'text/turtle' } header

Thanks Jeff! I’m using RDF.ex, which is an Elixir library for working with RDF. I’m not using any Solid-specific libraries as I couldn’t find any written in Elixir, but I may release my Solid client code as a library in due course.

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Ah yes, you’re quite right! That should be fixed now :slight_smile:

The source code is currently private, but the app is built on top of the Phoenix Web Framework and uses Monaco Editor for the text editor. I may extract and publish the Solid client code as an Elixir package in due course.

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Yes fixed. Nice.

There is an error with markdown files. Content type text/markdown.
Example :

Error translating between RDF formats

Ah thanks, that should be fixed now too!

These bug reports are super helpful, so please do keep them coming :slight_smile:

I tried it and it’s super helpful thank you Jasmine :heart_eyes:

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I’ve given it a try and I like it, very smooth :D.

One small nitpick I’d mention is that documents have the same icon as containers (the > chevron), so it is confusing and gives me the impression that I can continue expanding further.

I also noticed that it doesn’t work with local pods. Which is understandable, given that the app is running on a server and not entirely in the browser. But I think this would be really useful for development as well.


@jasminel thanks for developing this great tool!

It appears as though and have been down for the last 24+hrs - is it possible to get these links back up and running?

Ah sorry about that @jeswr, thanks for letting me know! It should be back up again now :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback @NoelDeMartin !

Good point about documents and containers both having the same chevron icon. I’ll differentiate them more clearly soon.

I’m hoping to make a desktop version of PodPro at some point, which will make that possible to connect to pods running on localhost. In the meantime, it’s possible to connect to pods running locally if you expose localhost to the internet using a tool like ngrok.

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That’d be great!

I actually tried using ngrok, but I was getting and internal server error and I assumed it wasn’t supported for some reason. But if you’re saying that it works, maybe I’m doing something wrong?

I am using the Community Solid Server version 3.0.0 and launching it with the following commands:

# Launch ngrok
ngrok http 4000 --region eu

# Using the ngrok url
npx community-solid-server -c @css:config/file-no-setup.json -p 4000 -f ./pod -b

Then, I am trying to log in using the following url and I get the following:

In the server logs, this is all I can see:

2022-04-21T17:40:44.301Z [BaseHttpServerFactory] info: Received GET request for /noeldemartin/.well-known/openid-configuration
2022-04-21T17:40:44.374Z [WebAclReader] info: Reading ACL statements from
2022-04-21T17:40:44.378Z [PermissionBasedAuthorizer] warn: Unauthenticated agent has no read permissions

Of course, just after writing this I tried to log in with and it works :sweat_smile:. But then I’m not connected to any pod and if I then try to connect with I get a “no pod found” error, these are the logs in the server:

2022-04-21T17:44:38.353Z [BaseHttpServerFactory] info: Received GET request for /noeldemartin/
2022-04-21T17:44:38.356Z [DPoPWebIdExtractor] warn: Error verifying WebID via DPoP-bound access token: The access token issuer doesn't match its associated WebID's trusted OIDC issuers.
2022-04-21T17:44:38.378Z [WebAclReader] info: Reading ACL statements from
2022-04-21T17:44:38.509Z [BaseHttpServerFactory] info: Received GET request for /
2022-04-21T17:44:38.513Z [DPoPWebIdExtractor] warn: Error verifying WebID via DPoP-bound access token: The access token issuer doesn't match its associated WebID's trusted OIDC issuers.
2022-04-21T17:44:38.539Z [WebAclReader] info: Reading ACL statements from
2022-04-21T17:44:38.634Z [BaseHttpServerFactory] info: Received GET request for /
2022-04-21T17:44:38.636Z [DPoPWebIdExtractor] warn: Error verifying WebID via DPoP-bound access token: The access token issuer doesn't match its associated WebID's trusted OIDC issuers.
2022-04-21T17:44:38.644Z [WebAclReader] info: Reading ACL statements from

Ah ok, I think there are few separate issues going on here!

The reason you can’t log in using is because there is no accessible openid config file at This only exists at, hence why you could log in with that. Nevertheless, PodPro shouldn’t throw a 500 error in the first case, so I’ve added some better error handling to deal with it.

I think the reason you’re not connected to any pod once you have successfully logged in is because the webid returned in your id token is http://localhost:4000/noeldemartin/profile/card#me rather than This might be the case if the pod was set up when CSS was still running on localhost? This may also explain why you get a “no pod found” error when trying to connect explicitly, though I’m not sure about that. Could you try either creating a new pod with the server running on the ngrok url, or else updating the localhost references in your existing pod, and see if that helps?

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Can confirm that it is working on my end - thanks for the prompt fix!


Yes, that was it! Thanks :smiley:

Strangely enough, I tried changing the turtle files to be declared relative instead of absolute. For example:

# Rename this...
<#me> a <>;
    <> <http://localhost:4000/>;

# To this
<#me> a <>;
    <> </>;

But that didn’t work :(. I could log in, but then every container returned an unauthorized error, so I couldn’t browse beyond the first level of the hierarchy (and without seeing the contents).

However, creating a new account does work, so I suppose it’s an issue with CSS. I’ll try to find a solution because it’d be annoying if I have to create a new account every time.

In any case, it works now, thanks for your help :).

I also noticed that images don’t render properly, and the Content-Type header does say image/png so that could be another improvement.

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Hi @jasminel,

Congrats on this, looks great!

A quick question about the syntax highlighting, did it come straight from Monaco or did you write your own extention for it? Turtle does not show up in the list of supported languages on the Monaco website.


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