Hello everyone, I got on to you by an interview with Tim in the Neue Zürich Zeitung. https://www.nzz.ch/nzzas/nzz-am-sonntag/tim-berners-lee-das-web-ist-fuer-alle-da-1.18534094
My interest is to make everyday local life a lot easier, using less energy and time, with more safety for the individual “normal” user and most of all creating new sustainible local jobs with a blockchain licence model that lasts as long as the product and/or life does.
I am not a programmer nor specialist in retail. I work in a DB evoirnment of a library. I visualized my idea in this document: https://docsafe.swisscom.com/ConsumerApp/landingpage.jsp?DLT=V11k6EXb1PdkJYqNzZd6tlakHTnL7SHgrahMlxEPcdnzAgW5ZIxwe%2BS893ChyogvfPe3UdaOOFmvb%2BrexnqYrhQQ%3D%3D&locale=de_CH
I would be happy to receive a feedback of professionals.
Thanks to all for your time!