Giving a talk about Web3 - Solid & Inrupt

On Oct 29 I will give a presentation about Web3 to Desjardins Group, one of Canada’s largest bank.

During this talk, I will be mentioning Solid and Inrupt. About 30k people will be seeing the talk, including most of the bank’s developers. You can check out the talk here: (it’s in French but you can activate English CC). I think this is a great opportunity and I want to make sure I provide the best information.

I’d love to get your feedback about the part on Solid (from 22:40 to 25:30). Also, let me know if there is anything important that I should add.

Thanks & keep on coding :metal:



Hi Tony,

That’s great that you’re doing that. I just copied down the cc and made some notes.

From the English cc, At about 23:53:

“The project is called Solid, for Social Linked Data. Here’s a quick breakdown of how it works. The idea is that rather than give their information to private companies, users store their private information in a Pod, a Personal Online Data Storage unit. They can store their name, addresses, phone numbers, etc., any information related to your online identity. Pods are encrypted and can be hosted wherever the user wants. On their devices, servers, or even possibly on a block chain. The ultimate goal is to be able to connect to Web apps using a button like this. But because we remain in control of his (this?) data, we can granularly control which application has access to which information. The ultimate vision could look similar to how we manage notifications on our phones. You have a list of apps, and you choose the type of notification each of them can send. This would be the same, except with access to information instead of notifications. Solid is a new project. It is under construction. You can try it at this address, but to be honest, it’s not very good right now. It doesn’t work very well.”

Sorry, I’ve got to run an errand now…just wanted to put it in text for now.

Ok back at kb … Not sure about encrypted pods, don’t think so yet. Also not sure about blockchain.

Also more personal info than just that related to online Id. Could be anything you want, restricted or not.

Also /his/this/

Also the whole linked data thing.

Also the inversion of control from giant apps keeping silos to many small commodity apps and users keep their own data, all connected with linked data.

Instead of saying it’s not very good yet, I would say it’s very ambitious and still a work in progress.
