Discord server

Is there a Discord community dedicated to discussions about Solid? Lately, I’ve been trying to use Solid into my personal projects, but I frequently encounter minor issues/not working as expected that consume a significant amount of my time, leading to frustration and abandonment. While I understand that I can initiate forum discussions, it seems like a rather elaborate process. Using Discord might be a more efficient solution for quick answers to small queries and fast responses.

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Not that I’m aware of, but if you’re looking to chat with people, there are Matrix chatrooms.

Of course, the disadvantage is that other people won’t be able to easily find the answers to your questions later (or you yourself won’t be able to find it later).

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Bumping this up - I’d be keen for a Solid discord server too, to discuss studies, apps etc. as well as implementation help :slight_smile:
It should be noted that discord also has a forum-like feature, as well as indexed search so when setup well it can be navigated quite effectively (at least on desktop, recently changes to mobile made it more difficult to search a whole server, frustratingly)

There are thousands of users in the Solid matrix chat rooms and heavy traffic in several of them. We are logging this all and storing it in on a pod and working towards a Solid chat app that can handle them. When that happens, we have a permanent record in RDF accessible via Solid of those conversations. There is no such path for Discord. Please join the existing chat rooms.

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