Solid Plume - simple blog app

@ztein Could you change the copyFile method in src/Api/Api.js to following and try it again?

export async function copyFile(originPath, originName, destinationPath, destinationName) {
    const fileResponse = await fetchFile(originPath, originName);
    const contentType = fileResponse.headers.get('Content-Type');
    const content = (contentType === 'application/json') ?
        await fileResponse.text()
        : await fileResponse.blob();

    // Note: Not passing contentType as parameter as this would lead to errors when creating .json files
    return createItem(destinationPath, destinationName, content);

I can’t reproduce it with the version (I think it’s NSS 4.x.x, so it’s probably an incompatibility with NSS v5.x) and don’t have a v5 pod for testing it so it maybe fixes it and maybe does nothing.

And could we move this bug discussion to github or the forum post so we don’t litter this thread too much?