Solid file manager

(moving from other forum thread)

I 've changed it now - first time I actually build a npm module, but think I got it working and deployed ok :slight_smile:

Anyway, there is a difference but not much - those folders and files are still converted to turtle format, but now without the .ttl extension. The content is pretty much the same, example:

cat css 
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix css: <>.
@prefix ldp: <>.
@prefix terms: <>.
@prefix XML: <>.
@prefix fonts: <fonts/>.
@prefix st: <>.
@prefix cs: <>.

        a ldp:BasicContainer, ldp:Container;
        terms:modified "2019-04-22T15:47:33Z"^^XML:dateTime;
            <blog.css>, <font-awesome.min.css>, fonts:, <grids-responsive-min.css>,
            <pure-min.css>, <simplemde.min.css>;
        st:mtime 1555948053.643;
        st:size 4096.
        a cs:Resource, ldp:Resource;
        terms:modified "2019-04-22T15:47:33Z"^^XML:dateTime;
        st:mtime 1555948053.451;
        st:size 14221.
        a cs:Resource, ldp:Resource;
        terms:modified "2019-04-22T15:47:33Z"^^XML:dateTime;
        st:mtime 1555948053.459;
        st:size 27340.
        a ldp:BasicContainer, ldp:Container, ldp:Resource;
        terms:modified "2019-04-22T15:47:34Z"^^XML:dateTime;
        st:mtime 1555948054.415;
        st:size 4096.
        a cs:Resource, ldp:Resource;
        terms:modified "2019-04-22T15:47:33Z"^^XML:dateTime;
        st:mtime 1555948053.459;
        st:size 9798.
        a cs:Resource, ldp:Resource;
        terms:modified "2019-04-22T15:47:33Z"^^XML:dateTime;
        st:mtime 1555948053.459;
        st:size 17286.
        a cs:Resource, ldp:Resource;
        terms:modified "2019-04-22T15:47:33Z"^^XML:dateTime;
        st:mtime 1555948053.643;
        st:size 10710.

Here’s what I did, for reference:

  • Changed the code in Api.js
  • npm install
  • npm start (to check if it worked)
  • npm run build
  • rsync build/ to servers app folder
  • Opened it in browser, refreshed, and tested to upload, extract and rename folder
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