Without using pod app how we can fetch the pod data in website

without using pod app how we can fetch the pod data in website.

Hi @Chandana, and welcome to the Solid community :).

That is a very generic question which is a bit hard to answer without a bit of context. Maybe you’ll be interested in this tutorial, to get started building a web app using Solid?

If the data are public and stored as linked data, and if you know URI of the thing you want, you can fetch GET <uri of the thing or document> with header Accept:text/turtle or Accept:application/ld+json (or try without the header). You can read details in Solid specification, section 5.2 Reading Resources and 5.5 Resource Representations.
You can make GET request to fetch images and other document types, too…

Then you’ll still need to process the data with some library; e.g. in Javascript you can use rdflib.js, LDO, or @inrupt/solid-client and display them on your website (this may be done either in browser or on server).

If the data aren’t public, then you will need to build a full-scale Solid app with login etc… The link provided by @zwifi may come handy…

What also helps me a lot, just open developer console in a browser and see what kinds of requests the pod app sends, and what data it receives. It gives a better idea how things work under the hood.

As it was already said, without more context we can’t help much…

Hello Chandana,

If you wanted to get data in a SOLID pod without using a pod app, there are two ways I know that are somewhat dependent:

The first is to make a resource publicly available to everyone. In this way, you could use something such as cURL with a standard GET request to retrieve the information. The downside to this is that anyone can perform a request to get that data, so it is unsecure. One option is to encrypt it then make it publicly available, and if another user has a decryption key then they can see the contents, but this isn’t tested to my knowledge, and runs into the “store now decrypt later” issue.

The second option is to work with a server that uses automatic authentication in the form of JWTs or session storage, which both CSS v6.0.0 and ESS v2.0 support. You could use cURL with an encryption tool like openSSL and hand-craft the requests, or write a bash script to automate this. However, this would be a lot of work and probably very error-prone, so I wouldn’t recommend it.

With both of these approaches, I don’t recommend doing them as a first approach to SOLID and they shouldn’t be the default case where applicable - SOLID is about explicit knowledge of where your data is stored and who can access it, so these flows shouldn’t be a first choice or first exploration approach.
Edit: And you still run into the issue of having to parse RDF graphs, so you would probably need Comunica and/or other parsers to handle these parsing problems, which is another potential error + complexity if you are new to using SPARQL parsers.