Solid Shell

Type of Application: file management tool
Name of Application: Solid Shell
Source Code | NPM | CDN | Report Issues

Description: Solid-Shell (sol, for short) is a command-line tool, interactive shell, and batch processor for moving files and folder trees between pod locations or between pods and your local file system. It should work for any OS that supports nodeJS.

Author Name: Jeff Zucker
Author Homepage
Author Contact Public: Solid Forum : @jeffz ; Solid Gitter: @jeff-zucker
Author Contact Private:

Open Source (yes/no): yes
License (if open source): MIT
Code Repository: (covered above under source code)
Donate to the project at: Give to human rights or Solid itself instead! :slight_smile:

Solid Project may use the info provided here to publicize Solid (yes/no).


Solid fellows, Jeff Zucker | jeffz
_ would like to express how my Web knowledge of Solidproject has widen

just rewatched a Solid talk by you, and am “getting it slowly but surely”

rewatching it on a Web browser, brim full of bookmarks (uncategorized), >15 tabs minimum with lots and lots and lots of Web extensions, just like you jeffz, like a true Web weaver/surfer/_______

just made a post – Darcy - social, done proper - Applications - Solid Community Forum with a link to an example of how a Solid POD would be stuffed up, just like the filesytems on local
… so would DEFINITELY be opting for sol – Solid Shell soon enough!

Solid is spec,