How do I upload files (css, php) onto my Pod in a specific folder?

And now, me again with explaining what I want to do. After reading your comments. First, thanks so much for paying attention and for writing back. Next, and very important :slight_smile: I don’t chase SEO rankings, also I don’t want that to be private (the settings - private, public post in the forum is mine :]), since it is an experiment. I am finding my way - I know it is not easy, but I want it to be real and if I copy the website code there will be a lot of redundant code.

Here’s my idea:

I imagine this:

I have a domain:

Then I have a hosting somewhere, to a droplet in a shared hosting.

And I upload, through and ftp into the root directory or the public folder my one-page (for now) webpage;'s files - an idea.html and all the other folders with php, css etc.

Now, in the context of Solid, and maybe the so called “own solid server” can I possibly do the same. Maybe yes. Two scenarios:

  1. … - I somehow upload a and index.html and the files related to it onto this.
  2. I somehow make my page read the data from the pod and render it (like here: - on the right hand side there is a little widget that loads data from the POD of the user. Cool, uh? :slight_smile: )

In the second scenario, I have my data with URIs and in a personal space (re: @megoth’s What is the difference between a pod and a cloud?

I hope that makes sense :slight_smile: I know I speak a different language, but I also know it is an “always on the learning path thing”, so … :slight_smile:

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