I’m looking for recommendations for visualisation libraries in JavaScript. I’m going to do a search so am looking for your recommendations and warnings! I see Spoggy uses vssjs.js which looks good but there are quite a few others too.
My priorities:
- I’m displaying RDF graphs (of course
- I’ll want to represent data in multiple ways (entity relationship, timeline, tabular)
- UI is crucial (flexible, explorable, interactive: easy zoom/pan, ability to configure representation with icons/labels/attributes/styles, provide context menus, handle input events)
- in time I’d like this to be a UI for exploring large (unlimited size?) datasets but am not expecting these libraries to be that clever - but if you know of any designed for that please say.
- it would though be good if the library is optimised for treating large amounts of in memory data efficiently when the viewport is scaled out (eg switching to simpler representation of elements when detail cannot be discerned, so large scale icon -> simpler icon -> tiny square -> dot at very small scale)