Solid Project Website Update

Hi all,

If you haven’t been involved yet in the website redesign, this it the last week you can add changes before we intend to launch it!

There has been a lot of work going into this since June 2023, by Kyra, Giselle, Virginia, Sarven, Arne and many others.

You don’t need to be a current Solid Team member to contribute! Please create GitHub PRs and issues with your improvements if you have them.


@michielbdejong fyi I have created update list with current, known instances in the wild, added 7 URLs by ewingson · Pull Request #888 · solid/ · GitHub

good to see all the diversity…
can you forward to merge ?

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@ewingson I see Sarven, Ted and Kingsley are already reviewing your PR, I’ll leave it to them to help you get it merged!

In the meantime, everyone, here is a staged copy of the branch that the Solid Team hopes to deploy next week:
Please click around and see if you find anything you want to help improve!

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Hello, Michiel I have some thoughts on the redesign and the ideas that were discussed in the thread you linked. What do you think is the best way to get them to the Solid team that is working on the redesign and where can I find the latest branch that I could branch off of to maybe try out some of the ideas I had?
I would say I agree with what you wrote here that maybe before redesigning the website some foundational design work is needed. Is there any efforts currently going on to create a holistic brand design for Solid? I think this could ease the designing of future Solid artefacts a lot, so if anyone is working on that I would be very curious to know about and maybe collaborate on it :slight_smile:

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Hi Ludwig,

You can open an issue or a PR with your contribution on
The branch is 2023-redesign.
I think there was also some work on style documentation going on but don’t know the details of that


some observations concerning the 2023 redesign

this is only “Very Quick on the Eye” (that’s an album by the Go-Betweens :wink:
hope that helps…


I merged a few PRs and created a netlify app that directly shows what our website will look like, starting tomorrow!

here you can check that the netlify redirects also seem to work as desired, for instance our TR directory: