Solid OIDC Access Token Verifier - Error: JWSInvalid: Invalid Compact JWS, code: 'ERR_JWS_INVALID'


I trying to use the library to validate a DPoP token requested using this process: Client credentials - Community Solid Server but I’m getting some errors and I think they are related to the way I’m using the method createSolidTokenVerifier in JavaScript. I’m not sure what I should used for the different params in the options:

      header: dpopHeader as string,
      method: requestMethod as RequestMethod,
      url: requestURL as string

Here is the code in case someone knows how to deal with it:

        const solidOidcAccessTokenVerifier = createSolidTokenVerifier()
        const { client_id: clientId, webid: webId } = await solidOidcAccessTokenVerifier('DPoP ' +accessToken, {
            header: '',
            method: 'GET',
            url: ''
        console.log(`Verified Access Token via WebID: ${webId} and for client: ${clientId}`)
    } catch(err){

The error I get is:

JWSInvalid: Invalid Compact JWS, code: ‘ERR_JWS_INVALID’

Here’s also an example of the token I generated that can be validated at


Thanks in advance, any help or comment would be appreciated!

Here you can find a running example in Replit: - SOLID OIDC Access Token Verifier