Solid Indonesia

Hello…is there anyone else from Indonesia?


Welcome to Solid!

I am not sure if they are still active but the forum user FutureLearnSole is, I believe, from Indonesia.

I’d also like to invite you to Solid Practitioners - an online meetup for people involved in developing Solid. We meet on the first and third Thursdays of every month and no registration is required. See here for details.

If you are interested in our meetings but the time (15 UTC) is inconvenient, please DM me and I will organize a meeting with times more suitable to our eastern colleagues.

Wow thank you Jeff!

This is literally my day 1 for Solid, from initially feeling dismayed with the state of internet in general and about the social issues from the internet in Indonesia specifically, and wondering how the initial founder of the web (TBL) would feel about it. So please bear in mind that I am just starting my learning journey and I greatly appreciate all the help that I can get. I shall DM you…

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Jeff, somehow I am still unable to discover how to DM you here. Would you mind DM’ing me first please?

To direct message someone in this forum : left click on the avatar or name at the top of one of their posts and select “message”,