Hi, I’d appreciate any help you can provide. I’m a developer looking to use solid for a range of projects.
I have created a test pod at https://solid.tomlodge.info/tlodge/ and it appears to work fine. I’m able to login using my WebID on the Kraken media app with no problems. But I cannot login with any of the other apps that are listed at Solid Applications · Solid i.e notepod, solidarity, solid filemanager etc.
With all of these, when I try an log in I can see a request hitting the solid community server:
2022-03-02T10:47:43.194Z [BaseHttpServerFactory] info: Received GET request for /.well-known/openid-configuration
2022-03-02T10:47:43.237Z [BaseHttpServerFactory] info: Received GET request for /.oidc/jwks
But nothing happens.
For the prompt: “Please enter your WebID or the URL of your identity provider”, I have tried my WebID and the pod location:
I’m not sure if I have misundstood something or there is a version issue or something else. It seems odd that it works fine for the Media Kraken app and nothing else.
Unfortunately there have been a number of breaking changes to the Solid specs, and most apps are mostly proof-of-concepts that have not been updated to align with those. So no, unfortunately it’s not just you
Vincent is correct that we are currently facing a variety of transition problems with Solid authentication. However a group is working to test all apps and Media Kraken is definitey one that works. An evolving list of apps that work with the new authentication can be found here https://solidproject.solidcommunity.net/Team/dpop-migration/.
@tlodge - when asked for an IdP do not give your web id or pod address, give the origin of the IdP’s server e.g. https://solidcommunity.net. Note no trailing slash.
Interestingly @jeffz, with that change to add solid:oidcIssuer to the WebID, we may soon be able to support users entering their WebID IRIs/URLs as an acceptable way to login, since the IdP is already in the WebID dataset.