i’ve looked at different Solid vocabs Solid Vocabularies | vocab , but i can’t find where the webid Class is defined . Is it a profile? or something like that ?
my goal is to add the webid of a contact to a vcard
Intuitively I would write it inside of <user> (e.g. <https://..../profile/card#me> <vcard:Name> "Blop Mc Mok"). The first part of the triple is the subject, and I guess it makes sense to put the webId there
I would like to use something more specific that a simple vcard:hasURL to say ‘hey there is a solid Pod behind that URL, and there is some potential good thing to do exploring the data behind there,’
Another follow by nose like but from vcard style address book…
My (non-authoritative) thoughts : You are a basically saying "there is a Record and the Record “has” a name and a webId. That isn’t how I see it. There is a Record about a Person (denoted by their WebId) who has a Name. There is no need to describe the relationship between a Person and their webID, as far as RDF the later is only a way of talking about the former.
a link to the webid of the POD owned by a Person represented by this vcard as it is done for the vcard:hasURL predicate to have a link from my contact book to the webid ,
Contacts are imported from my contact mobile phone and all my contacts don’t have a webid, so webid is not the subject but a object/url linked by something like solid:hasWebid
Well, if I want to import them back to my phone (for interopérability ;-), i need a totally compatible vcard format.
it looks as something like Social profile could do the trick