How to upload many many html files in bulk [re: Google Plus kind of migration]

Me again :slight_smile:

When I exported my Google Plus data with the Google’s Takeout - this time it is very neat and all seems to be here. At least in a structured (not Linked) way. I created a folder and then a “code” file in it - and then pasted the source code from the .html fee into the data browser window for edit. And I got this: So far so good.

My question here is how do I upload in bulk many many html files?

@jeffz looks like I messed up with solid-ide:

Probably a result of being logged in multiple times. Logout from everywhere and then log back in. If that doesn’t wokr, let me know.

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As far as uploading multiple files, drag and drop to the databrowser or else use solid-shell’s upload command. You’ll have to manually create the directory tree, but then you can use /folder/* to upload multiple files.

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Thanks! I logged out. Then did the brute Empty Cache and Hard Reload thing - still not working. You are right, I think I pressed to many things at a time the first time.

Thanks very much! I am afraid I don’t know what solid shell is. And also - I tried to create folder within a folder, but it didn’t turn our hierarchical. And last, not sure what that is: - /folder/*

Solid-shell is a command-line interface to Solid that lets you give commands like “upload someRemotePath someLocalFiles”. The localFiles can be specified using the * to denote all the files in a folder. You would need to have nodejs and npm on your local machine to run this. If you’re not familiar with nodejs or npm, this probably isn’t the tool for you, though I’m glad to answer further questions if you try.

Other than that, I believe that right now what you already tried - using the databrowser is state of the art. Solid is just not yet ready for doing all the things it will eventually be capable of. The whole area of large-scale data migration is of course necessary, but we’re just not yet at a point where we have user tools to do it. The next few months will probably bring many changes in this area.

I tried to look at your XML file, but I think you need to make it public, I am denied access.


Thank you for being so kind to answer my green-horn questions. I am very much aware that Solid is not ready for me :slight_smile: but still when I have spare time I want to tweak around. I will definitely get scared from the nodejs and the other things you mentioned. :slight_smile: So I will leave this. Maybe I will upload manually some files, just for the sake of it.
I tried to change the rainbow (ACL) setting for the file, but looks like they cannot be changes, maybe they are overridden (? not sure this is the word when s general stronger rule applies) by something else.
Anyways, thanks for paying attention. I will keep trying :slight_smile:


You cannot directly change the ACL setting at the file level. You must begin at the folder level to authorize access to ACL at file level.


I admire your persistence! :slight_smile: And thanks for making me explain myself, something us techies need help doing. Yes overridden is the right word for that circumstance, and, as @borgeoa points out, it is probably what is going on.

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If you change the permissions of the top-level folder /googleplus/, that should make all the files under it accessible unless you specify otherwise.

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Okay. Ready. Changed the setting folder-wide :slight_smile: You are welcome. And just while you and me are here now, what is the difference between storage and account:

The XML question: I can see your XML file and the error message it generates. The problem is that there are many kinds of XML files and Solid can only read some of them, apparently not the one exported by Google+. You might want to ask a more general question about Google+ to see if someone has or is building a converter.

The storage/account question: Linked Data allows us to use multiple ontologies at the same time so any given resource can be defined by multiple ontologies. In this case there is a Personal Information Management ontology which defines the term “storage” and the Solid ontology which defines the term “account”. So the resouce at is both your acccount (as defined by the Solid ontology) and your storage area (as defined by the PIM ontology). ```


Wow. Wonderful explanation. Thanks! Now I know more. I thought ontologies come after the creation of Linked data, the building of “sentences” with RDF. That is a level up of defining relationships between concepts. By the way how is the Solid ontology called?
I already sent an email to the Google Exporter tool to ask them if they can export (or convert) the data into a solid-readable (?) format. Also Kingsley Idehen had many times explained how we can do this, but I am still having hard time wrangling this.

We can’t say anything in linked data without specifying what ontology defines each part of what we are expressing. I can’t just say “rock”, I need to say “music-dictionary:rock” or “geology-dictionary:rock”. Near the top of most turtle files on Solid servers, you will find this triple: @prefix solid: That means that later when we see solid:account, we really mean which is the actual address of the definition of that term in the ontology.

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Note taken. You are explaining with uttermost clarity. :slight_smile: I am glad to read what you taught me. Going to bed now. Thanks one more time.

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