Forgot password functionality not working

I had set up a Community Solid Server locally in my system. When I try the ‘forgot password’ option, the 501 - NotImplementedHttpError: is displayed. Any help on this issue would be appreciable.
Rebu Thomas

Which configuration are you using? Looking at the code it should be included in default.json configuration (default.json → routes.json → forgot-password.json → ForgotPasswordHandler). If it’s included in your config, I think it’s easier to get further help at the CommunitySolidServer repository.

I have use default.json config as well as file.json config. But the same issue persists while trying forgot password functionality.(http://localhost:3000/idp/forgotpassword/).

Hi, I just found this which looks like your problem: Identity provider - Community Solid Server

So you need to implement the email provider, which by default throws a not implemented error. You can find the default configuration and an example of the email config here. To understand how to use the new configuration file, here is a (rather long) tutorial.