Hi We have created a node.js search app by using Comunica library engine, and we like to deploy the new app into Community Solid Server. We need to define a route for search app to be communicated by an external application. Any idea how the Community Solid Server can be extended by adding a new app? How to define the route for new app? Thanks.
Hi Reza
I don’t know the exact process to integrate a new route into the CSS, however following resources could help you get onwards:
- HTTP requests - Community Solid Server (overview how http requests are processed)
- CommunitySolidServer/default.json at main · CommunitySolidServer/CommunitySolidServer · GitHub (the config file putting the different components together for the http flow described in the previous link)
- GitHub - CommunitySolidServer/tutorials: Tutorials related to the Community Solid Server (contains tutorials how to modify CSS configs to add new components)
Essentially, I’d suggest to understand how CSS adds the routes for eg OidcHandler and then use a similar logic to add your route with your component. The above links should help with that.
And also, I think if you’re stuck it’s easier to reach people with more knowledge about CSS in the discussions section on the repository.
I hope this helps as a starter, Good luck
It sounds like you want to create a new Component - there is an example hello-world component here to show you how to do this.
However, I would not necessarily recommend defining your own custom query API like this, because if your client-side app depends on that API existing then your app won’t work with other Solid server deployments and won’t comply with the Solid Specification. For the moment, it is generally a better idea to be using Comunica (probably a link traversal build) on the client-side and having it query over the Document API from the client.
That said; if your app uses this query API as a performance optimization, and can still work with the actual Solid API (for instance by using Comunica on the client-side when this API isn’t available); then this is great work - and I would say full-steam ahead!
P.S. If you have other CSS specific questions you will probably have a better response time if you ask over here; and your response is more likely to be from one of the core maintainers
Thank you for your help
Thank you for giving information