This is a response to a post a member has written on G+, referring to the perceived “coder-ness” of this forum. It’s still early days, so let’s summarize;
When this forum started the topics were all “how do i …?” and “where’s this going?” and “what’s what?!?” and other beginner queries.
After a month or two the topics are much more “here’s my first app, plz try it, thx!” and many more technical questions from app makers who are by now getting deeply involved.
[ Woot! You are HERE! ]
Now we’re heading into the first collaborations, with more “coder-speak”, language specific acronyms, and squirrely red-arrow screenshots.
During the next month or so, coders will know who’s who, and their first “real” apps will become more collaborative, and will most likely start to fulfill the role of a usable forum, but based on Solid in typical dog-fooding fashion.
At that point the level of coders and technical jargon posted here will slowly decrease, since most of the early questions will have already been answered, and new questions subsequently being answered p2p or elsewhere (on github/gitlab/ between coders.
Any new coders arriving at that point will likely seek out these first Solid-based collaborative apps or coding sites where other coders are hanging out together.
Coders will also be returning here to ask non-coders to bug test their latest apps. (at the moment we’re just happy to have other coders test our first apps, but general use by the public is our actual goal)
At that point you will find coders and UX ppl being very patient and helpful and understanding, and crazy keen to hear all or any feedback and suggestions you might have, and desperate to please. (ok, not all, but mostly)
Then an app store will open and reviews will be another source of interaction between coders and end-users. The land of apps has arrived!
This is the rough life-cycle of a new forum about a new platform with new apps and it’s usual growing pains.
To any non-coders; Thanks for your understanding!
(…have i missed anything?)