Build a paid (?) potential, professional, public Pod Provider

You need to analyse some businesses and find a/some use cases. The usual software product stuff. Maybe look into the The Data-Centric Manifesto perhaps? A reimagining of the way companies arrange their data, sounds very Solid. But to do anything business related with data your doing to have to get SOC2 accredited. Why businesses? They have money and are willing to spend it if they see a use case that aligns with their business.

I can’t see private people paying for a Pods (hell, I’m still holding out paying for cloud storage!) unless you can make cheap(er) cloud storage and even then, you’d need to build client apps to actually use it: Solid integrates with nothing right now. You’d have to be very picky as there are A LOT of performance problems with the whole Pod concept too.

But good luck. People trying to do real stuff with the Pod concept is how the idea(s) move forward

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