Are there any solid apps currently being developed that are compatible with liqichat? I would like to try to see how the data can be displayed or used in different platforms after gaining access.
What’s liqichat? Do you mean, or something else?
yes, i mean
AFAIK @jaxoncreed developed to be interoperable with SolidOS — the default app running on the mainstream pods — so maybe that one could satisfy your needs?
Work is in progress to document the SolidOS chat format as a new client-to-client chat spec. Timbl is regularly pulling the Matrix chats, converting them to the SolidOS chat format and storing them on a pod. That archive can be accessed with SolidOS and possibly by liquid-chat. So the intention is definitely to have a standard chat format which can be accessed by many different apps.
Thank you. I knew solid OS is interoperable with
The data of liqid is stored in pod, the pod provider could be SolidOS. It is interoperable between these two services. When I give other apps(like Facebook) access to pod’s data, are those apps compatible with the pod‘s data? Is it compatible when we give other apps access to the pod’s data?
It is my question clear to you? Thank you
Thank you. So the standard means interoperability standard? Am I understanding you correctly? With these interoperability standards in place, our data can be used across different platforms and flow smoothly right?
Yes, these are interoperability standards and will allow many kinds of apps to access the same data. SolidOS is served as the front end of some Solid Servers but is itself actually a client app. So both Liquid Chat and SolidOS can access the same data using different backend libraries. If Facebook or any other app included code to read that data, then yes, they would be compatible. We are mostly thinking the other way around - migrate date in and use autonomy-respecting apps to access it.