Hi folks - I’m part of the MaidSafe team and involved in various meetups etc. Given the connections between both Solid and SAFE, thought it might be worth floating an idea - might there be any interest in running a joint SOLID/SAFE event somewhere? An obvious idea is to use the group/setup in the SAFE community’s London meetup (https://www.meetup.com/SAFE-Network-London/) - but that’s simply for admin ease etc.
Purely an idea at this stage - but we could get maybe get @joshuef or @bochaco to talk about the work they’ve been doing recently on SAFE that relates to Solid for some of it together with whoever else from the Solid community wants to get involved. Really don’t mind how it’s branded etc as it’s not about that side of things - it’s more a case of being interested to get likeminded people in the same location and sharing the knowledge amongst us all