They are already several alternative to Facebook, in an effort to decentralize the social networks but also not depend on the will of a major corporation that might not be fully independant in their choice, and also having an agenda for making money out of the users interactions. All existing alternative solutions are still somehow centralized, in the sense that they rely on one or several servers to be setup. However still better than platforms like facebook because not provided by a giant corporate company.
I am now thinking on a other way of doing, decentralizing everything, even the need for servers, all can be client side with data fully distributed, replicated amongst all users, fully resilient, cannot be put down ! I am actually calling for people wanting to join to co-create this. I already have the technology to make this happen (generative objects as a complement to Solid), now is to time to design what we want as a collective.
Also, I believe it is important to do a big paradigm shift and not be too much driven and limited by what we know, naming it facebook or youtube. Because the current social networks were built with the intention to get users addicted, filter news, getting ads to you, track etc. It is needs to be fully rethought if we change the intention. The intention for me is to connect us all, with a heart-driven, agenda less perspective. So this mean that the new social network we want will actually not be an independant clone of existing one but something completely different in how it looks, how it is built and how it is used.
Check this thread for some discussions around this : New decentralized social network, specialized in sharing public and Creative Common content