Will Solid make back-end programming obsolete?

We showed this video during our recent Solid meetup in San Jose (which went well, thanks to all the help from this site!). It did a great job of outlining how today’s REST API model of getting bulk information from a centralized server would be replaced by sets of requests to a collection of smaller Pods - a very different mechanism.


This got me wondering if the back-end technologies of today would still be widely used in a solid world. The last few years I’ve been ramping up my Django/Python/SQL skills; now I’m wondering if Solid catching on big-time could significantly reduce the demand for those skills. In 5 years they may be like knowing Cobol.

I’d like to hear your thoughts about this. Meanwhile, I’m going to go do my Angular-JS homework :wink:


I haven’t watched the presentation but am very keen on Solid because it is shifting away from centralised servers to a very simple server model, and placing the complexity in the client. I also suggest React - and particularly React-static - are very appropriate for apps that implement complexity in the client.

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I still think there’s space for “traditional” choices such as Django, SQL, etc - services will still need to optimize features that Solid technologies might not be the most performant choice.

It might not be exactly how we make use of technologies today, but knowing these technologies are probably making us better prepared for the future world of Solid.


While the emphasis at this point is the faster time to market that client scripting gives, I think there’s still a very important place for “back-end” applications. I can think of queuing and service bus messaging, eg My friend sends an invitation to an event, the Invitation software will not have an active web session with my pod, all the processing will occur in the back-end.

BTW, thanks for posting the video, this clarified a lot of miss-conceptions I had about the technology.

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