We are not sure how we could share files between users

Sorry I did not send you the message. Check out now

i got my inbox misconfigured, there was no trailing slash, could you try to send me

i’ve just send one to https://victorgon.inrupt.net/profile/card#me inbox

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Okey, I’ve recieved your message. How do I include now this in the application? Because right now if I wanted to share a file I would have to use it externally.

Well it’s not ready yet for inclusion…
it’s a proto now, you can be inspired for the code & now you know how it works.
Soon i will make it as a part of Shighl lib for Solidarity…
inspired with that app.
… but first I must finish the infinite scroll for Solidarity

Help is welcome :wink:

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OK @Smag0, I will make an update:
I’m using the part of your code that deals with sending messages (hope it you don’t mind), and I tried to do it in my application, but it seems that it does not work. If you could tell me which is the issue I would appreciate it.

This is the code I have taken from you:


And this is the error I get:

Can you try to send to https://spoggy.solid.community/inbox/ please?
Prefer to use .ttl instead of .txt

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This is the error now:

I changed to .ttl and still the same error

Can you uncomment the console.log?

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Oh wait, I’m not sending to the incorrect URL,because I’m taking just the name (Spoggy), not the webId (https://…)

Seems like it is already sent. Do you have something in your inbox?

Félicitations ! Yeah! I got something !

Sender is undefined but I got it !

To send to your friend, he must grant your webId or everyone to Submitter, so it can be authorized

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We finally got it!!

We have decided to change a lot of stuff but we are pretty convinced about the results. We’ll put here what we have done:

  • Put Everyone as Submitter in folder “inbox”
  • Put Everyone as Viewer in “public”
  • Put the file you want to share in “public” folder or any subdirectory
  • Send to the user’s inbox the URL of the file
  • The user should have access to read the URL that is in the content of the file

Thanks to everyone that has participated on this post.


Great ! Welcome to the Decentralization !

This is the way i think : the producter of the data store it on his POD & stay the owner , then he share it as he wants :wink:

I thought the forum had a bug with 16 notifications !


Just updated Shighl.inbox that can be used in a basic HTML page, on a Pod, or in any website :wink:
First connect with the Shighl.session https://scenaristeur.github.io/shighl/session.html
Then play with inbox

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sounds pretty cool what is it lol… i mean what will it actually do?

sounds promising ill check it out :slight_smile: