I was planning to make a proof of concept application with Solid using SvelteKit. There seems to be only a React SDK. Are there any plans for introducting SDKs for more front-end frameworks? I’m happy to work on a Svelte SDK if there’s more need for this.
My personal opinion is that you don’t really need a framework-specific SDK for Solid; after all, it’s just HTTP requests - how you render the results to the UI is up to you. So while I’m not aware of anyone with plans for a Svelte-specific SDK, I hope nobody would let that stop them
To build on what @Vincent was saying, most of the existing Inrupt JS SDK (the one I’m familiar with) is framework-agnostic: @inrupt/solid-client and @inrupt/solid-client-authn-browser should be usable without any issues in a Svelte application, and they were also used as a basis to build the React SDK.
We don’t have plans to extend the existing React SDK or to add more framework-specific SDKs, but if you run into issues using our libraries with Svelte, we’ll do our best to resolve the issues and support you in that effort
Also, since Solid is essentially HTTP with sprinkles of RDF, you can always use the FetchAPI or a client state management library that works with different frameworks such as TanStack Query TanStack Query or FarFetched https://ff.effector.dev/.
Just to clarify, even though Aerogel uses Vite, it is also based on Vue, so you wouldn’t be able to use it with Svelte (even though you can make Svelte Apps with Vite). But I guess you can look at it anyways to see how I’ve done things.
As others said though, Solid is a protocol and it doesn’t care much about UI, so it can be used with any framework. I’d also suggest looking at https://rdfjs.dev for some of the existing tools you could use to handle the Solid stuff.
Without having to dive into aerogel, I just converted Inrupt’s js starter in Vue3 (very latest version) here. This may be usable for Svelte as well. I’m also adding some other aspects of the basic nodejs libraries to reuse it in some projects after the holidays.