Solid Practitioners Video Call - all invited

Solid Practitioners is a group for everyone working on Solid projects, putting the Solid vision into practice. We are starting up after a summer break with a bi-weekly meeting. The next one is this Thursday, at 14:00 UTC at Jitsi Meet . No registration required.

Meetings will be on the first and third Thursdays of each month and will cover topics of interest to the group with special emphasis on making Solid useful in the real world.


How does it work? Is it all an open discussion, or is there an agenda, and we can propose topics or material to be presented in future sessions ?

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We propose topics and, depending on topic, either discuss among ourselves or invite speakers. If you look through past meeting notes in the repo, you’ll see we had invited speakers on search/indexing, credentialing, and other topics. We also want to support each others so projects are encouraged to bring issues they are facing to get group thoughts on solutions. We also encourage discussion of the social impact aspects of our projects.

For the next few meetings we will have presentations from an exciting Swiss project on sustainable development and several other topics have been proposed. The chatroom at matrix#solid-practitioners has several suggested topics for upcoming meetings and everyone is encouraged to suggest new topics. I post the agenda and hackmd in advance and all can add agenda items there also.

Every meeting has space for introducing new projects and people and projects are invited to ask for longer slots to demo their work and/or get feedback.

All are also invited to message me directly if you have other questions or suggestions for topics or anything else related to the Practitioners.

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