Solid and Rebooting the Web of Trust

Hi @aschrijver! Thank you for the question. (I hope you don’t mind, I transferred the issue to the External Interop panel repo, since it’s the one that tends to deal with questions of “how does Solid relate to X outside project?”).

As you’ve mentioned, the Solid community has a history of interaction with the Rebooting Web of Trust conference community, both in terms of mentions in the papers, and in attendance from the Solid community. In addition to the items you mentioned, our very own Solid Manager @MitziLaszlo was present at the Rebooting 8 in Barcelona. And there is a crossover of members that participate both in the Solid spec and some of the standards groups from the Rebooting community, such as the W3C Credentials Community Group (in which Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials were incubated) and the Secure Data Storage Working Group.

For example, I am one of the organizers of Rebooting Web of Trust, as well as an Editor of the core Solid spec.

So, how does Solid see itself in relation to the Rebooting Web of Trust community?
I cannot speak for the Solid community as a whole, but I think it’s fairly accurate to say - Solid sees itself as compatible and complementary to the issues that RWoT is working on.
Many of the technologies that are core to the Rebooting community (DIDs, VCs, and so on) are making their way into the Solid ecosystem. For example, take a look at some of the related issues:

Does that answer your question?

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