Simply Chat. A place for light hearted quick questions and comments


I wanted to open up a place which is dedicated to simple quick chat without a particular theme. How’s the weather? How are you? Where can I find info on…? and other chit chat and quick questions (preferably solid themed)

If you have a more elaborate question or would like to delve deep into a specific topic please have a look if there are other threads on your theme. If there are not any open themes on the topic you would like to talk about go ahead and start a new thread.


Weather is as to be expected, thanks for asking. Still adjusting to the time change, though…

Maybe someone could build a weather app based on your location on solid? :slight_smile:


Meanwhile, fingers crossed for some good news today (and a tip for those of you on twitter to follow Alexander, who is a great advocate for our rights to privacy online):


The TED talk of this week is on decentralisation, here it is


Started creating a page in my pod with references on how to get start with solid

feel free to collaborate


Please be aware that your POD does not have any changelog, so you will loose everything without a trace if someone tries to delete it or make silly changes. Something like Github is probably better for that purpose.

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thanks, got it

“But have you named them yet?” – Abbé Faria

I spent an hour yesterday adding triples to my profile, to later see them all inexplicably disappear… I’m now longer confident that anything hosted on Solid is safe. I’m not sure what the best way to track changes and/or backup data would be.

I’m currently treating it as development; start every time from scratch and fill in with scripts and code interfaces for a given test instance.

When I update components and the pieces, I clone everything fresh because if I don’t it can say I don’t have authorization to do anything.

This is what my Abbé Faria quote was referring to; when you think you’ve worked hard counting all the stones there is yet more and more pain staking work to be done:-) But it will get there

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I am getting a 401 (Unauthorized) error when trying to save data to my POD from my app that is hosted elsewhere. I can otherwise read and load files from the POD to my app. I am thinking this could easily be solved with a valid SSL certificate since the same code otherwise works fine when hosted on my POD. Am I assuming correctly?

Sounds more like an ACL issue. Are you sure that you’ve got write permission for that particular path / resource?

Yeah, my permissions were fine. I fixed it by switching out RDFlib’s updater and fetcher for solid-auth-client’s fetch. Makes perfect sense.

Thank you.

Oh yeah if you were going through a normal fetch that’ll do it every time :slight_smile:

Does SOLID is aimed to be some kind of a social network (like facebook or orkut), or it’s something completely different? Thank you.

My understanding is that SOLID does not aim to simply provide another social network, but to provide a platform in which many social networks can thrive along with things like email, cloud storage, and other kinds of applications that deal with personal data. Alternatives to facebook will hopefully be one of the benefits.


That is awesome because I’m very interested in a social network that respects the privacy of it’s users along with the Democracy of a given country, as well as a cloud storage service.

If I may ask you @jeffz if SOLID community of developers are looking forward to implement cryptography to secure user’s data privacy?

And also what services or apps are already up and running on SOLID at this very moment, please?

Thank you.

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