Requesting access as ESS authenticated application

That violates the spec : " Servers MUST indicate supported media types in the HTTP Accept-Patch [RFC5789], Accept-Post [LDP] and Accept-Put [The Accept-Put Response Header] response headers that correspond to acceptable HTTP methods listed in Allow header value in response to HTTP GET and HEAD requests."

Followed by “Servers MAY include the HTTP Accept-Patch , Accept-Post and Accept-Put headers in the response of a OPTIONS * request.”

All from : Solid Protocol

@jeffz yes, this is only if you want to do a work-around whilst the ESS team fixes to align with the spec here. i.e., don’t test for the server being ESS by looking for storage. in the request URL in order to workaround, instead do the right thing, and then if need be fallback to a workaround.

ESS has multiple deployments, and the different components are not always deployed to the one URL / subdomain.

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Ah, okay, as a temporary solution, sure.

The editors of the up-coming Solid Profile Specification have addressed some of the issues in this thread at Proposed Conformance Model · Issue #40 · solid/webid-profile · GitHub. We’d much appreciate your feedback.