Participate in the first official Solid Community Survey!

Hello Solid Community! The Solid Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team is inviting you to participate in the first ever Solid Community Survey!

Survey Link

The survey will be open until Friday, June 25, 4:00pm Eastern Time.

What is the survey about?
The survey is designed to learn about the makeup of the community and discover ways to strengthen the community. Think of it as a census of the Solid community.

How long will it take?
It should take you less than 10 minutes to complete.

Why should I participate?
We want to hear about your experiences in the Solid community. This is an opportunity for your voice to be heard. By participating, you’ll be directly contributing to the development and growth of this community.

What if I have questions?
You can reach out to me, Kyra Assaad or to the Solid DEI Team on Gitter: solid/DEIT - Gitter

You can fill it out here


Filled it in! And just to stress, since it’s in the survey but not in the original post:

A summary and findings will be published on

(And I’m sure a reminder will be posted here too when that’s available :slight_smile: )


Hi everyone! Bumping this up because there are only 5 days left to participate in the survey!

If you haven’t had a chance to fill it out yet, there is still time. Make sure to have your voice counted. We want to hear about your experiences in the community!

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