New Popock design, feedback welcome

Edit 08-28 new Popock design

Popock bring your Pod in your Pocket


Does this mean you have it working on Android via Solid Rest? If so, fantastic! If you’re still working on it, be sure to hit me up with questions - I probably won’t have time to visit the chat regularly but ping me if you need me.

Nice work

Cool. Would be great if my profile just linked to chats I participated in, and those show up for me automatically

No I didn’t succed with browserFs & native file system or other persistent. It’s a vuejs components webapp, webpack builder hosted on gh-pages. The dist folder could also be hosted on a pod once’s it’s cleaned.
Thxs for your help. Solid-rest will come after as a cache managed by the service worker.

Edit : just updated screenshots on the first post

@jeffz here is how i share the /inbox Folder but i’m not sure of this config, using solid-file-client postFile ( is not neeeded, just for the dev)

@prefix : <#>.
@prefix n0: <>.
@prefix inbox: <./>.
@prefix c: </profile/card#>.

    a n0:Authorization;
    n0:agentClass n0:AuthenticatedAgent;
    n0:default inbox:;
    n0:mode n0:Append.
    a n0:Authorization;
    n0:accessTo inbox:;
    n0:agentClass n0:AuthenticatedAgent;
    n0:mode n0:Append, n0:Read.
a n0:Authorization; n0:default inbox:; n0:mode n0:Append, n0:Read.
    a n0:Authorization;
    n0:accessTo inbox:;
    n0:agent c:me;
    n0:mode n0:Control, n0:Read, n0:Write.
    a n0:Authorization;
    n0:agent c:me;
    n0:default inbox:;
    n0:mode n0:Control, n0:Read, n0:Write.
    a n0:Authorization;
    n0:accessTo inbox:;
    n0:mode n0:Read, n0:Write;
    n0:origin <>, <>.
    a n0:Authorization;
    n0:default inbox:;
    n0:mode n0:Read, n0:Write;
    n0:origin <>, <>.

08-28 Edit on first post new Popock design, feedback welcome

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