Music platform and help with understanding Solid a bit more

Hey all,

Hope you’re doing well.

I have been working on an open source music platform for the past year or so and suspended production on it about a month ago–largely due to running out of steam, prior to server security, and minor topics related to “safe harbor”/DMCA issues (amongst others).

In trying to understand Solid a bit more…it would appear to me that users would largely be outside of any intrusive activity with regard to an individual’s, personal collection of music–via their POD; and, furthermore, that any of the data collected would be entirely separate from the app itself–via the user’s total and transparent control over the data they choose to share.

This may seem like an incredibly off-the-wall question but, given that the platform is almost exclusively written in HTML/CSS/JS, the transition to plugging the platform into Solid would seem pretty painless, no?

I suppose, also, two more questions would be: (1) To what extent would an app based on Solid be liable for data/privacy issues–given the degree of control and transparency mentioned above; and, (2) in opening up to the community a bit, I would like to see if anybody else either has any ideas or suggestions for this platform–keeping in mind that the whole platform is less than a few kbs and I am 100% open to suggestions if people had something they thought would be cool in a music platform on Solid.

As a musician myself, I really would like to see an environment where listeners, producers, and data can exist harmoniously and without any exploitation or worry with regard to privacy and integrity of data.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!


I see @happybeing mentioned your project on the Safe Network forum.

@Nigel is working on something similar over there. Maybe you should be in contact.


Would love to chat if you’re interested. Here’s my introduction to the SoLiD community describing why we choose SAFE & SoLiD.


For sure. I’m not sure if there are pms in this forum or not but I’d be happy to chat about it.

Did a brief swing by your post but am going to take a deeper look now.


Awesome! Thanks Sascha!


Hi Perplexicon,

Great to see you here on the Solid forum.

I’d be happy to set up a conversation to introduce you to Solid in more depth. Drop me an email on to let me know when would be a convenient moment for you.

It would be wonderful to see a music app on Solid, hope to help you with the on boarding process to make that possible.



I just wrote up a couple of days ago a Use case that I wrote up for an EU project 3 years ago that ties SoLiD to Music. “The Hyper-Music Browser