How to change the Sharing settings for a resource?

Can you help me again? I’ve got the ACL for /inbox/.acl:

@prefix : <#>.
@prefix n0: <>.
@prefix inbox: <./>.
@prefix c: </profile/card#>.

    n0:accessTo inbox:;
    n0:agent c:me, <>;
    n0:origin <>;
    n0:defaultForNew inbox:;
    n0:mode n0:Control, n0:Read, n0:Write;
    a n0:Authorization.
    n0:accessTo inbox:;
    n0:defaultForNew inbox:;
    n0:mode n0:Read;
    a n0:Authorization.
    n0:accessTo inbox:;
    n0:defaultForNew inbox:;
    n0:mode n0:Read, n0:Write;
    a n0:Authorization.

I can see the agent “c:me” (my WebID) has Control, Read and Write access.

Now I want to grant access to the origin which is the Origin header I can see in Fiddler. As you can see above I’ve tried n0:origin <> - but without luck - the server returns “Not authorized”.

I have also tried n0:trustedOrigin <> without luck.

The server has accepted my change: if I reload the .acl page I can se my changes.

If I try the exact same request, through Fiddler, without the “Origin” header, it returns 200-OK with the inbox data.

I’m trying to go through to understand what is going on. But apparently missing something.

Do you know what I am supposed to do?

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