Looks like a typo in the intro to me.
If you print out files, I expect it’s only a single file.
any is a convenience wrapper around anyStatementMatching and returns the first statement that matches the specified pattern
const $rdf = require('rdflib');
const {SolidNodeClient} = require("solid-node-client");
const client = new SolidNodeClient();
const store = $rdf.graph();
const fetcher = $rdf.fetcher(store,{fetch:client.fetch.bind(client)});
const LDP = $rdf.Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#>');
let folder = $rdf.sym('https://testpro.solidweb.org/public/'); // NOTE: Ends in a slash
fetcher.load(folder).then( () => {
let files = store.match(folder, LDP('contains'));
for (var file in files) { console.log(' contains ' + file.value); }
works neither with of neither with in neither with each neither with match neither with file neither with file.value.
but runs without errors, just gives no output…