I have just managed to use SPARQL for querying your POD’s personal “type registry” which is a registry that informs web-apps about your preferred data location for various data types (like for instance contacts or photos) - and since Google is incapable of locating any documentation for it, I thought it might useful for others.
You can see the discovery spec. here: https://github.com/solid/solid/blob/master/proposals/data-discovery.md
The basic technique goes like this:
Use rdflib.js and it’s built-in “fetcher” to fetch data into a data-store as explained here: https://solid.inrupt.com/docs/manipulating-ld-with-rdflib
First fetch the user profile document. Here you find this little reference to the type registry;
solid:publicTypeIndex </settings/publicTypeIndex.ttl> ; solid:privateTypeIndex </settings/privateTypeIndex.ttl>
Use rdflib to find those triples above in the profile document using “match” or “any” and extract the URLs.
Use the fetcher again to load the type index resources. My private index tells apps that I want data about my radio controlled hobby stored in
:@prefix solid: <http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/terms#>. @prefix solidrc: <http://solid-rc.net/ns/solidrc#>. <> a solid:TypeIndex ; a solid:ListedDocument. <#reg1> solid:forClass solidrc:data; solid:instanceContainer </rc-data/>.
Now the discovery spec says “Find statement pairs of
to get class reference and data location”. In SPARQL we can express this as:SELECT ?cl ?loc WHERE { ?reg <http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/terms#forClass> ?cl. ?reg <http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/terms#instanceContainer> ?loc. }
This means "Find all those pairs of
that applies to a common resourcereg
- ignorereg
and return(cl,loc)
. -
We have read all the necessary resources (turtle documents) in to the local store and now we only need to run the query:
const sparql = ` SELECT ?cl ?loc WHERE { ?reg <http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/terms#forClass> ?cl. ?reg <http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/terms#instanceContainer> ?loc. }` let query = $rdf.SPARQLToQuery(sparql, false, store); return new Promise((accept,reject) => store.query(query, result => { if (result["?cl"] && result["?loc"]) { console.debug(result["?cl"].value + " / " + result["?loc"].value); } }, null, () => accept()));
The query engine calls the
callback for each pair found. -
The “gotcha!” part here is that you need to index the result by
- and you won’t be able to detect that by JSON-dumpingresult
as it comes out as an empty array!
It seems like the SPARQL library can fetch data too, but I haven’t tried that (yet).