I am working on a commenting system for my Solid prototype application.
I would like the commenter to add a link to the comment (in the POD of the commenter) by appending it to the original post (in the POD of the poster).
When I grant the commenter the append permission in the ACL file, the commenter can append to every property of the post. Is it possible to grant the commenter access to the append function for only the schem:comment property of the posts? That way the commenter would be able to create a link to his or her comment, but he or she would not be able to add anything else.
Example posts.ttl file:
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix terms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>.
@prefix schem: <https://schema.org/>.
@prefix com: <comments.ttl#>.
a schem:SocialMediaPosting;
schem:comment com:1570612313_O21IY, com:1570612352_PMPQG;
schem:dateCreated "2019-10-09T08:30:12Z"^^schem:DateTime;
schem:text "Test"^^schem:Text.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this!