A community tool for interoperability

Having different fields is one thing, but even representing data with same semantic meaning can be very hard. There’s this W3C internationalization best-practice on representing Personal names around the world (here discussed on HN). Things get very complex very quick.

Anyway, I came here just to mention a different take on the matter. A different approach to tackling similar problem area, by using Lenses:

I found this on fediverse here. Now, they’re not using Linked Data, but JSON Schema. But they have a large section on their finding with some interesting general observations wrt Interoperability.

Shape expressions are quite intriguing too. Thank you for posting @RubenVerborgh article on the matter, @NoelDeMartin. Hope to find some time to look deeper into this (Just re-read an article by @joepio Ontola also mentioning shapes: Full-stack linked data: lessons from building an RDF web app).

BTW, I also cross-linked this thread: Solid Application Interoperability Draft - Presentation videos - Fediversity - SocialHub