I have a question on SOLID file sharing, any references are welcome!
Basically, assume a simple use-case described as follows:
Given a private folder that contains a list of plain .txt files inside a pod. There is a React web app, that displays a popup where It asks to provide a webID of a friend (or any person). When I type the webID and hit send button, I want the user of that webID who also has an instance of same React web app running to get a notification that someone shared a file with him, and upon hitting on notification he would be able to read the content of that txt file from first user’s solid pod.
I have been reviewing various react / node libraries for SOLID, unfortunately I can’t find a simple plain explanation of the ways of sharing and setting access privileges to files programmatically. I am aware that if the file will be inside a private folder, that requires some manipulation with .acl file where I could somehow specify who exactly can read that data?
Could someone provide an explanation for that, or a link to a resource that could explain that process ?
I really think I need to write a tutorial on how to do resource sharing programmatically… When I have time Until then I can recommend reading up on the specification (Web Access Control), that covers how Solid servers should implement access control.
None of these resources show how a resource is shared with another specific WebID. But to give you an idea, here is my generated file for test.txt.acl that I created locally:
Yes, my problem is that it requires control access of the container. I could change the ACL of the container, but it would require control access of the container of the container, and so on.