Question about retrieving data

Hi @wenjingli-qa the first issue is totaly normal as does not existe anymore, the new server is, so this should work[‘’].vcard%24fn instead of

as @Vincent said

but for many reason I personnally feel more easy with the first stack (folder files & subfolders with solid-file-client, one line access with ldflex…) whereas i know that the second should certainely replace the first

then for the ldflex/webpack issue, @RubenVerborgh gave me a solution here that could help you how to externalize query-ldflex in shighl webpack.config.js ? · Issue #57 · LDflex/Query-Solid · GitHub but Make Webpack configuration for an ES6 module · Issue #25 · LDflex/Query-Solid · GitHub

that work but for other projects, the solution i first found is importing solid-auth-client & ldflex in the index.html as an “old” js ( lines 9 to 11)

and then get it in my modules (line 1 and line 16) with

At some point there was an issue with communica lib that is used by ldflex so i swithched to rdflib Help using different libs: rdflibjs, tripledoc, ldflex, solid-file-client - #14

Another way I recently used is (line 11 & 48)

Does it solve your issue ?

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