Hi! I’m currently in a work team and we are developing an application using Solid. We want to add a friendship system that allows the user to introduce the webID of one of his friends and the friend will be added in Solid. We are using the libraries @inrupt/solid-client and “@inrupt/vocab-common-rdf”
Until now I´m trying to store the webIDs as foaf:knows in the profile/card section of the user. The code with which i’m working is the following:
export async function addFriend(webID:string, friend:Friend): Promise<{ error: boolean, errorMessage: string }> {
let profile = webID.split("#")[0]; //just in case there is extra information in the url
// get the dataset from the url
let dataSet = await getSolidDataset(profile, {fetch: fetch});
let dataSetThing = getThing(dataSet, webID) as Thing;
try {
let existsFriend = getUrlAll(dataSetThing, FOAF.knows)
if (existsFriend.some((url) => url === friend.webID)){
return{error:true,errorMessage:"You are already friends with this user!"}
// We create the friend
let newFriend = buildThing(dataSetThing)
.addUrl(FOAF.knows, friend.webID as string)
// insert friend in dataset
dataSet = setThing(dataSet, dataSetThing);
dataSet = await saveSolidDatasetAt(webID, dataSet, {fetch: fetch})
} catch (error){
return{error:true,errorMessage:"Not a valid webId!"}
This code does not break but no webIDs are added when looking at the source code of the profile/card.
Does anybody know where do I have the problem or another way in which this can be solved?
If you want to take a look, here is our GitHub repository: GitHub - Arquisoft/lomap_en2a: LoMap Software architecture group en2a course 2022_23
This piece of code is in the filter-patri branch.
Thank you very much in advance!