Welcome to the Solid Forum, please introduce yourself here. Great to have you on board

Hi everyone :wave:, I’m Jessica. I found out about Solid through Pinboard.in’s popular feed which I lurk through frequently just to see what the technology sector is talking about. I’ve been teaching myself programming for about three years now, which hasn’t been all that hard having had worked with the PHP/MySQL in open source software like WordPress and PhpBB in the past, but I’ve had to unlearn a lot of the old ways I used to handle HTML/CSS and even this whole concept of frameworks/bundling and management through the terminal. I guess I should be happy that I’m only 29 and am still open to new ideas though!

Compared to a lot of the new technologies being worked on right now, Solid has a ahem solid purpose to what it’s going to do for the world wide web in the long term, and has a decent first app walkthrough, along with explanations of linked data and how to work with it. I have made very good progress on making an app that fetches and updates with rdflib, and have even come up with my own namespaces I’m using along with the common ones. And pretty much any problem I’ve had so far has been easily solved by looking through a library’s source code as well as some of the apps that other people are working on and existing RDF guides.

Really am benefiting from a lot of the posts here so far as well. So thank you to everyone who’s contributed to the discussions so far. I don’t doubt with more polish and a few breakthrough apps that Solid wouldn’t take off, there’s so much wanting of alternatives and new ideas at the moment with everything going on off and online.