Hi I want to use solid in chrome extension but i’m confused about how the login would work.
I’ve already tried opening the login popup from a content script. After entering my ID and pressing enter, I was presented with a blank screen with the following message in the console “Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘childNodes’ of null at Object.g [as render] (popup.js:8)”. I wouldn’t know where to start debugging the popup code.
It’s also a bit strange because it appears to log me in (it stores the session data) even though I didn’t enter my password and i cleared localstorage beforehand.
I also need to figure out how to sync the session data across tabs. I’ve briefly looked at a few solutions but i’d like to sort the above issue out first.
Any ideas about this? It is possible to use Solid with a chrome extension?
We have a Chrome Extension that already supports “Save As” operations to a Solid Pod i.e., it uses the Solid Auth Client for authentication at the point of data persistence.
OK looking at the vid i see you are doing the write operations from an “options” page. Yeh this is probably the way to go as it has a fixed url. I guess I can just pass messages from the content script to the options page and back, which also solves the issue having to sync the session data. I would have preferred the login box to be in a popup but it adds unnecessary complication.
yeah it’s possible but it’s all about resolving popup rendering issues for the login flow and using chrome.storage for synchronizing session data to tabs. and if you want to develop any kind of chrome extension you can visit my written guide about ‘step-by-step guide of chrome extension development’