I am developing an application that manages access permissions (read/write) to a user’s resources by creating/editing acl files.
It works well to restrict users using their webId but I can’t limit the applications that can be used by authorized users.
Here is the acl file used:
# ACL resource for /myTestContainer/
@prefix acl: <http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/acl#>.
a acl:Authorization;
acl:agent <https://hyuryu.solid.community/profile/card#me>;
# Only scripts from this domain can control resources
acl:origin <https://hyuryu.inrupt.net>;
# Set the access to the PIMS folder itself
acl:accessTo </myTestContainer/>;
# All resources will inherit this authorization, by default
acl:default </myTestContainer/>;
# The owner has all of the access modes allowed
acl:Read, acl:Write, acl:Control.
Although an origin is specified in the acl file, I can access the resource by hosting the application elsewhere (on another user’s POD for example). Moreover, the “origin” header is correctly indicated by the browser when sending the request.
Did I miss something?