There is a way to change inrupt folder permissions with Typescript code?

There is a way to change inrupt folder permissions with Typescript code?.
I´m building a app that uses solid pods and i need to grant permissions to read a file in private to a friend with typescript.

Yes, take a look at the documentation here: Access Policies: Universal API — Inrupt JavaScript Client Libraries

It assumes that your friend has a webid and that you already logged in with the inrupt library.

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Using the examples of the documentation i encounter a problem while trying to change access of a file named “prueba.json” in the private folder.

That’s likely this bug of the library: access/universal functions throw error instead of creating .acl when no .acl exists · Issue #1549 · inrupt/solid-client-js · GitHub

In short, if you use a server with WAC (acl files and co), the universal API should automatically create acl files if they do not exist, however it throws an error instead. It should work on eg ESS ( If you want to get it work with ACL, I think you have to use the WAC methods of the library instead of the universal one (which isn’t so universal with this bug).


Thanks it works