Solid World October 2020 (Thu, October 1, 2020 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CEST)

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@megoth hi! :slight_smile: Is the Solid World always happening on the 1st of any month. Me and @emekaokoye want to join the upcoming months (to follow the unfolding of Solid) and are curious. Thanks!

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Hi @TheodoraPetkova (glad to see you back in the forums :slight_smile: ); Solid World is the first Thursday every month, so the next event should be November 5th. You can look for events when they come out at, or this forum when I (or someone else) posts about the upcoming event. (I also do this at, if you like Reddit.)

If you’re interested in contributing anything to the event, you can contact

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Thanks so much for the extensive info! I will see you on Thursdays :slight_smile:

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