When I open a private browser tab and login in one of the Apps and then try to open up another private tab to the other app always I get redirected to the first . E.g. open AcmeBase , login , open in a new tab WACEditor and you get redirected to AcmeBase.
I have no idea how to prevent this behavior. Both apps need restorePreviousSession. Is this a programming error? Browser cache? Server cache?
I exprience this both on Chrome and Firefox browsers.
I’m no developer of this library (so it may be wrong), but I think it always uses the same key for the local storage session restore. So if you have two apps on the same domain, they share the localStorage and thus access and write to the same data there
It would be really good if that was supported because i build all my app like that and don’t want to buy a domain for each of my prototypes apps/ test
I’ve never seen an identity provider working like that. User should always be redirect to the page he logs or session restore should detect the user is connected on this domain and current session should be loggedin when he arrives on the second app
If you already own an own domain (e.g. patrickhochstenbach.net for me), then adding endless CNAME aliases doesn’t cost anything extra (expect for some typing adding those names). In the DNS server add something like : <yourapp>.patrickhochstenbach.net CNAME phochste.github.com where the names are changed to your own project/app. And in github pages add a custom domain.