Yes, that is the beauty of the open source world… large groups of people willing to spend their time volunteering to drive their passions forward. Building community is real hard as both I and @happybeing testified in this thread. Well-documented patterns, libraries and tools are indeed important, but more so is the community process and the culture that is fostered within the community. I really appreciate your mindset and willingness to help drive this forward. Thank you
While in my Solid scope and ecosystem (and other related threads) a lot is directed to how people would perceive the site, I think the problem is way broader than that and underlies the entire initiative. As product owner I continue to adopt the outsider’s viewpoint (and with my own plans for new fediverse apps I am an outsider myself, doing techstack selection). I couldn’t PR to that site as I still don’t know what Solid is and is not, and what you want it to be.
The landingpage is in fact very promising: Solid offers some clear-cut, intuitive architectural concepts and reference components, that are based on new standards, with which I can make my own techstack solid-compliant and with that fulfill some important privacy concerns that are currently neglected in most other IT applications. So far so good…
But when I drill down into the site, solid’s repositories and the forum, this whole notion completely shatters. I get the impression that Solid is a whole thing that stands on its on. A unique approach that requires its own techstack which is NodeJS based and builds a new ecosystem from the ground up to ultimately form the next web.
With the richness of frameworks and techstacks this impression makes Solid one in a million other similar initiatives, and after a couple of minutes of clicking around 90% of devs will move on. Another part of the wrong perception is that, yes, there is open source but this is provided by commercial entities in the background and Solid constitutes an ‘open core’ project, which will lose you the remainder of the FOSS developers that were still interested.
I should have spent more words on my PS. because I actually agreed with you there, in the sense that the project list detracts from the essence of Solid. The ecosystem fans out from what Solid is in the core (in the way it is presented on the landingpage at least). And I am of course behind your suggestion to the use of the forum (see how SocialHub is doing this) and also that representing them on a separate community site gives way more freedom to present them in relation to other technologies, without raising the confusion to outsiders.
This is part of the separation of concerns, like “Here is what Solid is” and “Here is what the community is doing with it”.